Kellys Black Fire

Blackfire is half sister to WoodRose Katrina.   Kelly’s Blackfire OGO foals include:  Foals list coming soon!  Kellys Blackfire Windswept Imperial Dapper Dan Trilson Katrilan Prince Katrilan Princess Allan Roseta May Sonfield Roseta Mala Bess Gates Gay Mac Mansfield Dewdrop Bessie Ro Querido Roboss Little Sweetheart Antman Mountcrest Sellman Joe Bailey Kitty E Pontez Antez Podette […]

WoodRose Katrina

The grand old mare Woodrose Katrina comes from a pedigree of working horses, mostly bred in California. Behind her are such as Dapper Dan, Gay Mac, Antman, Sun Down Morgan, Redman, Mountcrest Sellman, Lippitt Morman, and many good Sellman bred mares who are the foundation of the Western Working Family in California. Breeders of her […]

Tio Lalo 1956 to 1972

Tio Lalo was Californio’s sire and the sire of Tia Margarita – dam of Montana Harvest and Primavera Valdez.  Shatona Karzan was also his son. *Many thanks to Silvia Evans for the information and the pictures. Read her story with Tio here > My Tale of Tio Lalo by Sylvia Evans Tio Lalo (Mahan Field x […]