Diane and Missy’s Journey – Part 1

July 6, 2009

by Diane

This is the beginning of my journey with “OGO Waers Gold Star” and the legacy of RanchBoss Black Star.  Black Star unfortunately passed on to greener pastures on August 27th, 2008. 

RanchBoss BlackstarI have been at our barn for over 15 years.  I have seen a lot of babies come and go, but have never had the luck of being part of the process – nor did I think, I would ever have the good fortune to own one.  This is my journey!

RanchBoss Black Star was as big as a house and I was hoping this would be the one I would get to see born, so I started to earn the trust of Black Star before the birth.  My trailer was next to Black Star’s pen, so she would hear me whistle for my own horses upon my arrival.  In no time… Black Star started to knicker to me, so I began rewarding her acknowledgement with a cookie.  Before I knew it, she would see me drive up and start coming over to the fence before I was even out of the car.

Over the next month or so of bonding with Black Star, she gave birth.  Now this raised my concern since we had just formed a new bond and how was this new baby going to change things, if any!  I was surprised that Black Star was very willing to share her new born filly with me and even nudged her to me at the fence.   I was hooked from that moment on!  

I could not imagine how it could get better… but later that day, when Sandy was working on the imprinting, I was fortunate to be asked to be part of that process.  It only solidified that connection with the filly!  We have now been connected forever, I just didn’t realize what was to come from that process!

The unfortunate days to come (with the complications of day 4 of the birth for Black Star and the final outcome) were unthinkable for all!  Worst of all, this 4-day old filly had to come back to the ranch without her mother.  What an experience in general.  How many foals do you know that would take a ride in a trailer at a couple days old?  Then to take the same ride home, without the mother.   I cannot – and would not even, want to imagine!

The day that OGO Waers GoldStar returned to the ranch was bitter sweet.  While she was doing well, she was returning without her mother.  I can remember this day as if it was the day I brought my own kids home from the hospital!  I climbed in the pen with her as she was lying down and I sat next to her.  She put her head on my lap (not sure if it was for her comfort or mine) and the small bond we had before was solidified at that point!  There was no going back….at least for me! 

Then as I left to go to my trailer, GoldStar awoke and realized she was left alone.  She called out, which at that point the motherly instinct took over in Ursulas Higuera Bandita and she came running in from the pasture.  She offered to take on the mother role again…..even though this foal was not hers.  Bless her heart; she gets this personality from her mother, WoodRose Katrina!  While WoodRose Katrina is no longer with us, she has left a great legacy to fill her shoes.  Ursulas Higuera Bandita has done a great job, while in foal herself, she has taken on the nurturing and feeding of this orphan foal.

I have been part of and bonded with Gold Star from day one.  And, I have to give thanks to Amy for allowing me to officially purchase “Missy” and make my experience so complete.  While I am so overwhelmed with joy of this transaction, I cannot forget the loss that has touched so many lives!
I have to also give so many thanks to the barn, where I board, for their support in me to purchase “Missy” aka “lil Miss”.  I know she will outgrow that name…..so I am going with “Missy” for a barn name!   I don’t even know where to begin with my gratitude for everyone who supported me in getting her and signing up for feedings around the clock.  I can only wish that you all ask for my assistance should any of you need it (you know who you are!)

Thank you RanchBoss Blackstar for producing such a wonderful filly!
